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Terms and conditions

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The event takes place in Trondheim Spektrum. Accommodation and remaining programme will take place in Trondheim and Trøndelag Region.


30th March – 2nd April 2020


The buyers must be existing or a potential buyers of Norwegian tourism products. Participants must have the authority to enter binding agreements. The language of the event is English. One may register up to 2 persons per company to the event. Innovation Norway has the authority to authorise more than 2 persons per company if the event isn’t fully booked after the registration deadline.
Innovation Norway reserves itself the right to close the registration link in the case the event is fully booked before the registration deadline.

Registration fee

A registration fee will be charged. The fee covers negotiations, accommodation, meals and all services according to the guidelines given in the official programme.
There will be an extra fee if the company participates with more than 2 participants.The fee may vary from market to market and information will be given by your local Innovation Norway representative.

Market Manual

As a buyer, you are asked to complete a Market Manual Form, briefly describing your company’s business operations and the products that you will be looking for at the workshop. A Market Manual is a digital handbook, and is an important tool for the participating suppliers.

Innovation Norway will claim the right to use information sent in to the Market Manual for the planning of other activities hosted by Innovation Norway.

Product Manual

Similarly, the Product Manual provides essential information about the suppliers’ products and services. You will receive this information in a digital form before planning your negotiations.

Appointment system

Business is based mainly on pre-booked appointments. Prior to the Workshop, buyers and suppliers indicate which companies they wish to meet and negotiate with.

Both buyers and suppliers can request appointments in advance. An individual appointment schedule is set up for each participant, and we also encourage you to meet on a supplier’s request.

Negotiations are conducted at the suppliers’ stands. Each appointment lasts for 15 minutes. We strongly request all buyers to participate in the appointment system and pre-book a minimum of 17 appointments. After the schedules have been sent out, you will have time to make new appointments and cancel irrelevant appointments until a few days before the workshop starts, by sending meeting requests /cancellation requests directly to the supplier you wish to meet. Upon arrival to Trondheim, on the 30th of March, you will receive your final and updated schedule in your welcome kit. This is the final and valid schedule that you will have to follow during the event.


Innovation Norway will make reservations at various hotels in Trondheim You will be notified in due time at which hotel you have been booked. Innovation Norway will not cover the costs of accommodation if you stay in another hotel than the one attributed to you.


Innovation Norway headquarters in Oslo, Norway, will send you an invoice for the participation with Norwegian VAT of 25%. The fee may vary from market to market and information will be given by your local Innovation Norway representative.

Cancellation NTW

No fees will be refunded in case of cancellation after 1st of March 2020.

Pre and post tours

Participation in pre and post tours for NTW 2019 is free of charge, apart from costs for domestic flights. See tour descriptions on web for price information which will published mid-December 2019.
The flight costs will be invoiced by Innovation Norway headquarters in Oslo, Norway, with Norwegian VAT of 25%.
Cancellation of pre and post tours after 1st March 2020 will be charged with a cancellation fee of NOK 1000.- excl. VAT.

Force majeure

Circumstances outside the control of Innovation Norway, such as strikes, official and unofficial disruptions of work/labour disputes, fires, wars, natural catastrophes, deficient sub-supplies etc. entitles Innovation Norway to terminate the agreement without any obligation of compensation.