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Sustainable Communication | Sweden



Contact Lisen Espeland

Sustainable Communication. How to target the right groups with communication, product development and marketing. (Small exclusive group of 12–20 TO/4–8 partners)

DATES: 10 November


  • This activity will help us reach out to the relevant tour operators we wish to work with in the long-term.
  • This activity will help up educate the local travel trade in the direction of our strategy.
  • This activity will help generate sales and help Norwegian tourism industry fast back on track after 2 years of pandemic
  • This activity will help Norwegian tourism industry to be able to develop the right products for our international guests, by keeping up with the market situations
  • This activity will help Norwegian tourism industry to adapt their products to our strategy and get an understanding how to implement changes in a B2B perspective.


We dive into more about targeting different segments within personas, product development, insights and marketing. How nudging can help and form a new way of communicating to our future traveller. Think safety and greener options. 

Participants – suppliers

  • Destination
  • Region
  • Incoming operator – regional

We will invite 4–8 partners to this event. Partners that will benefit from learning more about nudging and how to communicate to different target groups, identify them and work with product development. Together with the selected tour operators, groupwork will be done with themes like: Insights, Product development and Brand marketing.

Participants – buyers

  • Tour operators
  • Travel agencies

We will invite travel trade (decision makers, CEOs, product managers, destination managers, salespersons with special interest) that have Norway in their portfolio and would like to upscale. As well as tour operators that have expressed that they would like to include Norway.


  • Workshop
  • Seminar

This workshop will be made in 2 parts; seminar and group workshop. How can destinations and regions choose “the right” way of communication to attract their travellers. Focus on working in teams between TO and partners in the workshop. Sustainable talks that matter.


Price: SEK 5000, excl. VAT

Includes: participation for 2 persons, workshop, seminar

Does not include: transport to Stockholm, accommodation

Participants: 4–8