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B2B partner activities: Italy 2021

Marco Bertolini

Specialist Italy

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Practical information - digital workshop

Price: NOK 1300.- excl. mva, pers company. Max 2 persons per company.

Access to the meeting platform, ability to conduct one to one meetings
Access to the Market Manual, which describes the buyers company profiles and contact information registered at the event
Description of company & contact information in the Product Manual, made available to all registered buyers

Does not include: 
Each participant has to be have access to a computer, with audio & camera, and with Internet access.

View our International B2B activity calendar 2021

Nordic digital workshop

Date: 16th-18th November

This workshop is a unique opportunity to meet selected buyers in one to one meetings.
The combination of deep knowledge of the market and of personal relationship with the buyers will help to make every supplier meet the most relevant buyers during the workshop.
Although we will hold the workshop digitally, we will invite the tour operators locally for a networking event in Milano the day before the workshop starts ( 16th of November). The workshop itself will last 2 days, 17th & 18th of November.

Registration is now open: Nordic Workshop Italy 2021 | Home (

Deadline to register to the workshop: 1st of October

Background and goals

The Nordic Wokshop is the perfect opportunity to get in touch with selected tour operators (mainly) and MICE contacts in the Italian market and is organized this by Innovation Norway, Promote Iceland, VisitDenmark, Visit Finland and Gateway South.

This year the objective is twofold, to help the restart of business mainly of leisure travelling, in Norway and Nordic countries by creating new key contacts in the Italian tourism industry as well as meeting again established contacts and clients to strengthen the trade network.

The idea is still to carry out a digital version of the workshop to give the opportunity to all the Norwegian travel trade to attend the event and to organize a physical event prior of the workshop (in Milan) for Italian Buyers and Travel trade press with the participation of some selected suppliers from each Nordic country.

The goal is to get 100 buyers covering the complete range of the product (leisure groups and FITs, activities such as hiking and biking, all seasons, sustainable products and some MICE).

Participants - suppliers

Activity companies
Other accommodation
Incoming operator – regional
Incoming operator – national

Type of products: 

New product/activities with an eye on post-Covid trends. 
Suppliers offering products both for  smallgroups and individuals
Destination companies
Demand for winter and shoulder seasons products
Demand for niche products covering  summer and winter activities (mainly hiking, biking, winter activities without ski)
Demand for hotels but also new types of accomodation
Growing demand for sustainable products
English is required to attend, the knowledge of Italian could be a valuable plus

Participants - buyers

Tour operators
Event agencies
Incentive companies
Travel consultants
Network travel agencies

The focus is mainly on leisure buyers but we will invite also some selected MICE companies. We will invite tour operators all around Italy. 
We will have a mix of buyers already programming our destination but also potential new operators willing to include new products and destinations.
We will focus also on niche tour operator in target with our defined target groups.