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National Events Unit

Innovation Norway is the national events unit of Norway

Norway Convention Bureau (2012) has since 2012 worked on major events in Norway, both to attract new major events to the country as well as development of annual events and event tourism. 

NCB was owned by the tourism industry of Norway and had a dedicated collaboration with major host cities in Norway. This work was continued when NCB integrated with Innovation Norway in 2018.

In 2019 we launced a national events strategy, called "Norway as a sustainable and innovative event host 2020 - 2030". 

Every year we organise meetings and study trips to increase the knowledge sharing within the events sector. We also work to develop tool that help organisers, host cities and the industry. 

We work closely with the The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF) as well as the national sport federations. 

We are members of  International Association of Event Hosts.  

Mapping of international events in Norway

In 2024, Sponsor Insight conducted a mapping of sport and cultural events in Norway, with international participants and / or audiences.

There was 1651 events held in Norway in 2024, with 339.000 foreign visitors. The report also shows the location of events and sustainability measures implementet.

For the full report:

Mapping of International Events in Norway


Birgitte Nestande

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+47 936 06 671

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